• Green Carpet

Best High Traffic Carpet Cleaner in Long Beach, CA; Professional Steam Cleaning Service

There are some stains that you know you will have to deal with on your carpets. The most common stains that people are dealing with are tea, coffee, food and more. The stains that you are dealing with should be cleaned properly so they can be removed. Most people want to have their carpets clean and looking nice so that the house looks good. The carpets are a huge part of the house and if they are a mess then the house will not look good. With those being the main type of stains there is one type of stain that you are sure to suffer from. High traffic stains are something that you cannot avoid so it is a good idea to know what they are and what they will do to your carpets.

Steam Green Carpet Cleaning Outlines How to Get Rid of High Traffic Carpet Stains

What is a High Traffic Carpet Stain: A high traffic stain is something that you have seen whether you realize it or not. If you think about your home and the way that people walk around it you will notice some patterns. The patterns are the most common path that people take to get from one part of the house to another. These paths that are often made based on the furniture that is in the room or the placement of the doors. The problem is that more and more people that walk in these same particular areas will be dirtier. You will start to notice that these paths have a darker shade than the rest of the carpet in the area.
Carpet Fibers get Matted in High Traffic Areas: The first thing that you should know about high traffic areas is that the carpet fibers will be effected. The carpet fibers should be able to hold up when there is standard traffic passing that area. When the high traffic starts to exist in a particular are the fibers can start to become damaged. They can start to be smashed down and lose that plush feeling that you want when it comes to carpeting.
High Traffic Areas are More Soiled: The other problem that you will come across when you have high traffic areas is that these spots will be heavily saturated with dirt and debris. The amount of people with shoes or even their bare feet will pass these areas depositing dirt as they go. That means that the rest of the carpet will have a standard amount of soiling where the high traffic area will have a lot more. This means that these areas will look darker in color and need to be treated properly when the carpets are cleaned.
How to Get Rid of High Traffic Carpet Stains: The problem that you might have is that these paths that you are using to get around your house usually won’t change. You can use rugs as a way to distribute some of the soiling. You can also make sure that you don’t allow the soiling to get too far out of hand by having your carpets cleaned professionally.

Carpet Cleaning High Traffic Areas & More in Valley Village, Long Beach, Pasadena, Santa Monica, Simi Valley, Burbank, Calabasas, Beverly Hills, Thousand Oaks, Encino & Los Angeles California

Steam Green Carpet Cleaning can come out to your home and treat your carpets for stains and dirt. Call us today.

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