If you are parents with small kids, you know that they are always leaving a mess in their wake. They tend to turn into a small hurricane when it is play time and many times it can turn destructive. They tend to drag in dirt on the carpets, and run their hands down the wall leaving dark streaks throughout the house. They also have been known to break a thing or two. Every once and a while they sit quietly and draw or color you a picture that you display proudly on the refrigerator. If they are playing too quietly most moms know that could mean disaster. If you are like most families you have had your fair share of kid’s crayon incidents. It seems that paper and coloring books are never enough and they start to venture off coloring on walls, furniture and even your carpet. Getting crayon and marker out of your carpets can be a serious task to take on.
Steam Green Carpet Cleaning has the best ways to remove crayon and marker from your carpets.
How to Get Crayon Out of Carpet
Just like any other stain on your carpet you want to make sure that you start cleaning it up immediately. The faster you get to it the easier it will be to get out. One way to try and remove the crayon is to use a butter knife or other blunt object to scrape away any excess pieces of crayon. After this step you can use a small amount of carpet cleaner that you have spot tested previously and spray it on the stained area. Use a nice clean towel or rag to dab away at the crayon and it should come up. If this does not work try using the iron method. Crayons are made from wax and so you can use a nice clean rag to lay over the colored area. Then set your iron to a hot setting that does not use steam and gently apply it to the rag that was used to cover. The wax should start to melt and seep into the rag and out of the carpet.
How to Get Marker Out of Your Carpet
Just like the information in the section regarding crayon, you always want to treat the stain as soon as you can to ensure that you get it as clean as possible. You can try a method that may seem crazy but should work like a charm. Use a can of oil free hairspray and pour some out onto the spot that has the marker. Then you want to place a nice clean cloth over the spot and dab at the area to pick up the color from the markers. If this didn’t work, you may want to try another option. You can use a small amount of dish soap on the area and dab away with the clean cloth.
If you find that these methods have not worked for you and you want to have the kids “art” removed for your carpets and rugs you can call a carpet cleaning expert to come out and treat the spot for you.